- By Isidoros Karderinis
Robert Kennedy, son of the assassinated in 1968 Robert Francis Kennedy, US Attorney General, New York Senator and 1968 Democratic presidential candidate, and nephew of the also assassinated in 1963 US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, will be a candidate for the Democratic Party’s nomination for the November 2024 presidential election.
But who is Robert Kennedy? He is a lawyer-activist, specializing in environmental issues, 69 years old. Raised in the political environment of the Kennedys and embracing the values and political views that have been transmitted to him, he has said: “My father told me when I was a child: ‘People in power lie. And if we want to continue living in a Democracy we must understand that the people in power are lying. The people in power are abusing the power we gave them’.

It is at the same time a leading figure of the anti-vaccination movement. Robert Kennedy’s public attack on the “philanthropist” promoter of the “vaccines” Bill Gates had caused a global sensation with his post, describing how Bill Gates is using the “vaccine” to impose a global dictatorship (Europost, 9-4 -2020): “Vaccines for Bill Gates is a strategic philanthropy that fuels his many related business activities to gain himself a dictatorial control of global health politics, the spearhead of neo-imperialism”.
Robert Kennedy, before the start of vaccinations for COVID-19, sent a message to the global community in December 2020 sounding the alarm about mRNA vaccines by saying: “Avoid vaccinations at all costs, at all sacrifices,” “For the first time in the history of vaccinations the mRNA technology used interferes directly with the genetic material of the recipient-patient and consequently this intervention involves genetic modification, which is already internationally prohibited and considered criminal”, “Dear prospective recipients you should know that after receiving the vaccine you will no longer be able to manage the symptoms of the vaccine in an effective way.
You will have to live with the effects as you will not be able to remove the toxins from your body. The genetic damage caused to you by these vaccines will be irreversible and irreparable,” “In my opinion these new technology vaccines represent a crime against humanity that has never happened before and on this scale”.
On February 11, 2021, “Instagram” closed Robert Kennedy’s account for “fake news!”. “We removed this account because it repeatedly posted false claims about the coronavirus and vaccines,” Facebook, Instagram’s parent company, said in a statement. At the time, Kennedy had about 800,000 followers on his account. It is obvious that the promoters of “vaccines” did not like the public positions of Robert Kennedy, because he himself was staunchly opposed to the so-called “vaccines!”.
Then in November 2021 he visited Italy and spoke in Milan in Piazza dell’ Arco della Pace in a large demonstration, where he was received as a hero by many thousands of people, against the so-called Green Pass, the COVID-19 certificate, characterizing it as ” instrument of oppression”. And speaking to reporters earlier in the day, Robert Kennedy said: “The Green Pass is not a public health innovation, it is an instrument of obedience and economic control, just like the pamphlets issued by the Third Reich”.
During his speech at the Milan demonstration he encouraged protesters to go out and fight and resist, telling them: “Reclaim your government, reclaim your lives, reclaim your freedom for your children, for the your country, for future generations,” and ended saying amid cheers and prolonged applause: “I will stand by, with you, and if necessary I will die for it. I’ll die in my boots”.
In August 2022, Robert Kennedy was in Berlin and spoke about modern Orwellianism and the bioterrorism agenda of multinational pharmaceutical companies. Among other things, he said: “Governments love pandemics the same way they love wars, because it gives them power, gives them control, and gives them the ability to enforce obedience on human beings. And today we have the distortion of new technologies that give governments the ability to impose controls on populations they never imagined”.
In November 2022, Robert Kennedy made shocking statements about the side effects of mass vaccinations, saying: “We’re seeing a 40% increase in unexplained deaths, in excess deaths, and we’re seeing them especially happening to young people! The number of people dying from mass vaccination is much higher than the number of people dying from COVID-19. Some doctors will say we don’t know if it’s from the vaccine. Then why does the CDC discourage coroners and public health authorities from performing autopsies on people whose deaths are suspicious?’.
Regarding so-called “climate change” speaking during an interview with radio producer Kim Iversen in April 2023, Robert Kennedy warned that the elite are using “climate change” to usher in total population control and take away individual liberties.
As for the war unfolding in Ukraine, his position is clear. In his statements in May 2023, he said the following: “Let’s be honest! This is a US war against Russia for geopolitical reasons! These are geopolitical machinations that have been going on since 2014 with (US) intelligence agencies and neoconservatives. They are essentially sacrificing the “flower” of Ukrainian youth in a slaughterhouse of death and destruction for the geopolitical ambition of the neoconservatives behind the scenes. To depose, change the regime of Vladimir Putin and exhaust the Russian military so that it cannot fight anywhere else in the world”.
So, we see, based on Robert Kennedy’s entire journey, that we have before us an anti-establishment candidate, a candidate who is not afraid to clash with huge financial interests, a candidate who is not afraid to go against the dominant system, defying the risks.
In closing, I would like to emphatically emphasize that the overwhelming majority of politicians who appeared in the past, before the elections, against the dominant system, when they gained power not only did not change a single hair from it, but instead turned into components of the system. Let’s hope that in the case of Robert Kennedy, if he wins the nomination of the Democratic Party and is elected president of the United States, the same will not happen.