It is one thing to make money once in a blue moon in the digital space, but that’s not enough, today we will be talking about how digital experts like myself make money in Nigeria.
If you find this information useful, please share with friends. It is a secret that took years to uncover.
If you have started working on what we shared yesterday on this platform, here another great tips that can help in making more money.
One of the ways we make money in podcasting is through rendering our services to new podcasters either as training, consultant or External Editor.
This is lucrative if you have registered your voice in the industry as an expert of podcast.
It is a personal decision; I did not register myself as a podcast master but I have been podcasting for years, adding values and getting result.
That cannot not be the only way, why you are building your audience as podcasters, you can begin to make money with your few audience by selling what they need.
It is that simple, you can use the podcast to ask them what they will like to buy as well as use it to sell it to them.
Isn’t that crazy? This is podcasting for you. My professional advise is that if you are dearly in need of money, do not sell a product that the same person will not buy again from you within the next 30 to 60 days.
This is the reason why commodity like food, drinks, medical products and many more daily needs can make you rich.
Becoming rich as podcaster is easy if your podcast is dealing with a topic that has the emotion for the audience.
If my audience are female only, I will not sell male products and if my audience are children, I will be mindful enough to create contents that get the approval of their parents because teenagers can influence buying decision but they do not have cash to make that decision.
Tomorrow, we will discuss how business owners can make money with podcasting as well as how professionals make money in Nigeria through podcasting.
If you love to invite people to your podcast as guest, you can sell your product and services to them as well as their audiences.
If you do not know what to sell, ask your audience or guest and be consistent with your standards for getting guest.
Before you can make money online through podcasting, your podcast needs to deal with people who has power to purchase as well as people who have interest in what you are saying.
One of the powers you have as podcasters is the ability to choose a small circle of people and a topic relevant to them while you can later enlarge the circle.
If you have any question, ask Tolu Adebayo on Twitter @MegaTolu.