Thotsbay is probably best thought of as a forum rather than a adult site-although forum itself focuses almost exclusively on adult content sharing and marketing. Still, Thotsbay is not a porn site in the traditional sense. There is no master database hosting the content, thumbnails, easy navigation, or anything you normally find on a porn site.
Instead, ThotBay is a site for people interested in porn-basically porn, porn to digitally collect, Search for whatever porn they have or want to find. To do and share. In this regard, ThotsBay is more like and share aggregator than a porn site. Keep in mind that there are other forums dedicated to porn.
ThotBay However, many of these forums allow content marketing to be hosted directly onsite via threads and posts. While ThotBay provides some modest tools for this purpose, the vast majority of content marketing sites off-site in various file-sharing services provide even greater protection from DMCA copyright strikes.
First importation:
There no getting around the fact that a forum site whether it hosts anything or not does not necessarily start with the best user interface. However, forum sites at least have the advantage of being fairly straightforward, using nested folder-like systems that make navigation reasonably easy.
It certainly does not hurt that ThotsBay goes the extra mile by providing various color coding systems as well as avatars to help you navigate, that last one might seem like a throwaway feature, but for a site that focuses so much on text, it’s always nice to see images to help drive traffic.
Unfortunately, no amount of avatar images or color coding systems is going to obscure the facts that forum layouts are inherently a bit messy and Thotsbay adds to that with multiple sidebars. Thanks fully, sidebars are collapsible, but they’re no substitute for those dedicated navigation tools either.
Iffy Indexing Systems:
Based on the ratings, iffy might be to kind of a word to apply here, but ThotsBay sites at a somewhat awkward crossroads. Keep in mind that ThotsBay is not too difficult to navigate although there may be some specialized searches. From a traditional perspective, ThotsBay technically has an indexing system, but it’s not the most accessible.
Rather than relying on traditional categories, the clearest breakdown of the sites comes from the content’s source which includes premium porn sites, and direct adult sites among others. Outsides from that, your best bet is to either use the tag cloud or the search bar neither of which is ideal.
ThotsBay However, there is a potentially bigger problem beyond that of offsite hosting. Most porn-centric forums use off-site hosting to keep overhead costs down, but they are usually quite well integrated, allowing content to be posted and run directly from the forum thread. Unfortunately, ThotsBay does not follow this model.
Rather than relying on traditional categories, the site’s most obvious breakdown comes from the content ThotsBay source, which includes premium porn sites, free porn sites, and straight adult sites. Also, your bet is to use either the tag cloud or the search bar neither of which is ideal.
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