Ozuzu Raphael Ozuzu, the spiritual leader of Covenant of Peace Ministries International in Aba, Abia State – has declared himself as the new ‘Christ’ – Christians have been waiting for the return.
“I am the Christ, comforter, the spirit of truth in a new person.” Ozuzu declared during an interview with Newsecho in Aba. The spiritual teacher who is known for sending out messages he received from God, said Christians should no longer continue waiting for the return of Christ, for he has returned to the world through him.
“Christ has returned as a new person and the long-awaited judgment of God has begun,” Ozuzu said. “What you see happening globally is not the devil persecuting the church. It is the Judgment of God on going because God has set up his kingdom which he promised.”
“That kingdom is the spiritual ark of this time. The children of God who run into that ark will begin a new righteous life because God has given his children new righteous law which will make them pure to begin everlasting life here on earth.
Ozuzu said his ministry has been around since the year 2000 – and the message about him being the Christ is new and strange to the people inasmuch as it has been coming for 22 years now. According to him, “Only a few have understood what we’re saying while the majority are still in doubt. They stay away far from us because of ignorance.”
Speaking further on what he mean by being the “Christ, comforter and spirit of truth in a new person”, the spiritual teacher said;
“What I want the world to understand is that Christ, Comforter, the spirit of truth has returned, re-manifested on earth. The Christ they read in the Bible will not/never come again in the person of Jesus anymore. The Christ, comforter, spirit of truth has returned to the world in a new person which is me; Ozuzu Raphael Ozuzu. Listen to me, in the days of old before the first coming of Christ, God promised Israel the return of Prophet Elijah (Malachi 4:5).
“All the wise men, rulers, religious leaders, prophets of Israel expected that Elijah would physically crash land from the sky in the same person as Elijah, but God returned Elijah to Israel in a new person, John the Baptist. They failed to recognise Elijah in him because they were spiritually blind and empty. Jesus confirmed that John the Baptist was the promised Elijah (Matthew. 11:11-15, Matthew 17:9-13).
Also, speaking on whether Christians are mistaken to still be waiting for the second coming of Christ, Ozuzu said;
“Today, the Christians of this world are making a very costly mistake by expecting/hoping that the Christ, messiah God promised to return to the world would crash land from the sky in the same person of Jesus, the man born of Mary thousands of years ago. This is spiritually impossible because the flesh is ordinary (coat) covering that the spirit-man must wear/use to be physical to do physical work on earth.”
“Jesus was the (coat) covering the Christ wore/used over 2000years ago. I the Christ, comforter, the spirit of truth have returned to the world in a new person Ozuzu Raphael Ozuzu (Revelation 9:1, John 16:12-15, John 15:26, Isaiah 42:1-4), just as prophet Elijah was returned to Israel in a new person John the Baptist. I call on all the elect/chosen of my God to return to me,” Ozuzu said.

Contrary to what Christians believed that the Kingdom of God is in heaven, the spiritual leader of Covenant of Peace Ministries International, says that the Kingdom of God is already here on earth.
He said; “The two thousand years of the Piesesian age (the era of Jesus Christ) given by my God for the Christ to reign in the person of Jesus has ended and passed away (Matthew 28:20, John16:7-11). Now is the time/era of the promised comforter, spirit of truth, for we are now in the Aquarian Age, the age of oneness, equality, true righteousness and peace.
“The new age, new world, promised and long-awaited kingdom/house of God have come, Ozuzu is the long-awaited kingdom/house of God on earth (Daniel 2:44-45). In Ozuzu everlasting life on earth is now possible. Ozuzu has started as a grain of mustard seed. Ozuzu will bring down and destroy all these sinful earthly religions, nations and kingdoms. Ozuzu God’s kingdom on earth will stand forever (Daniel. 2:44-45). Come into Ozuzu to escape from the imminent wrath of God, great tribulation and horrible plagues which will hit and devastate the earth (Revelation 6:12-17, Revelation 8:3-13).
On widely believed rapture that Bible talked about, the spirit man said “rapture will not/never cause any Christian, nor a single human being to physically fly away from the earth”.
He said;
“The raptured would be the people of my God who have been born of the spirit and have been spiritually lifted to be able to abandon and move away from Christendom/Christianity, all religions, the sinful earth, and have accepted, moved into Ozuzu God’s righteous kingdom/house which has come on earth (Daniel. 2:44-45).
“It is not true that the raptured would physically fly away from the earth to heaven. The real truth is that the raptured will be (righteous) white in Ozuzu God’s kingdom on earth (Revelation 3:5-6, Revelation 7:9-17). They would be spiritually lifted to be above sin and death on earth. All the people that would reject, deny, despise Ozuzu God’s kingdom on earth and continue henceforth to expect/hope to fly away from the earth will soon face the great tribulation and horrible plagues which will very soon hit the earth (Revelation 6:12-17, Revelation 8:3-13).
“Let me reiterate, the kingdom of God you Christians are hoping to fly away from the earth to has come down on earth as promised. The New Jerusalem above has spiritually descended and rested on Aba and its environs in Nigeria (Revelation 3:12, Daniel 2:31-35, 44-45). In Ozuzu everlasting life on earth is now a reality. Everyone in Ozuzu will know the most powerful and everlasting name of our God, he/she will also know the hidden power, taproot, secret and the veritable cause of sin, evil and physical death.
“The rapture is the time for me to make the elect/chosen of my God (righteous) white (Revelation 3:5-6), before the start of the horrible plagues. Truly I say to you only the people of my God in white (Revelation 7:9-17) with me will be saved. I call on all children of God, my father to awake, come to me for their cleansing and white robes/garments.