We all know that feeling — when you sense the stress stirring up again. You have yet to finish dealing with yesterday’s troubles, and today’s lot is already at your door. Unfortunately, constant stress can lead to serious mental and physical problems.
Science links chronic stress to health issues like insomnia, anxiety, headaches, depression, and even heart disease. By all means, chronic stress is bad for you, and you need to destress occasionally.
Luckily, nature made provisions for most of humanity’s problems. There are natural herbal aids that may help to ease your mind and relax as you find ways to resolve your problems. Read on to see the top five supplements we recommend and the potential benefits of each.
Here are the choice herbal supplements that may help to relieve stress and anxiety:
1. Kratom
Kratom is one product gaining traction in the natural supplement market. The reason is that more people have realized its potential usefulness in warding off stress and worries, especially in a world where mental health is prioritized more than ever. Red kratom, the mature kind, can be especially useful for this. It contains alkaloids that convey a sense of relaxation, unlike the younger kratom strains with more stimulating effects.
Kratom’s relaxation and mood-enhancing effects are reported to help relieve stress. In particular, kratom strains like the red, green, and white veins which can cause euphoria, which is a positive or pleasant state of mind. These strains also improve your energy levels and could enhance mental focus and clarity.
It’s easy to access this plant. You can buy kratom from online sellers and have it delivered to your house—as long as kratom is not restricted in your area. Read through customer reviews on each site to ensure you’re dealing with a legit and reputable seller.
2. CBD
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the well-known cannabinoids extracted from the cannabis plant. It does not have the psychoactive or ‘high’ properties its counterpart, THC, carries. The reason is that CBD is derived from the hemp flower of the sativa strains, like the Hawaiian Haze CBD flower, which typically contains less than 0.01% THC.
Research into the properties and benefits of CBD suggests that it’s one of nature’s potent substances that could relieve discomfort, decrease stress, quell worries, and lift your mood. CBD is also said to enhance relaxation, and when taken at nighttime, it could help people with sleep issues fall asleep more easily.
Typically, people using CBD to help cope with stress can take it orally in the form of oils or tablets, but you can also find it as a lotion or cream for topical use. Follow the instructions on the packaging, and consult your doctor before taking CBD if you are on other medications or supplements.
3. Delta 8 THC
Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, also called Delta 8 THC or simply D8, is a cannabinol extracted from the marijuana and hemp varieties of the cannabis plant. Delta 8 is the lighter THC version, with milder effects than Delta 9 THC (commonly referred to as THC). Unlike CBD, delta 8 has a bit of a kick but without the snag of THC.
People on delta 8 describe the experience as euphoric, relaxing, and mood-boosting. These benefits suggest that D8 could be helpful to persons living with stress and worries because it could calm and cheer them up. D8 may also help to relieve discomfort and enhance mental focus and creativity when carrying out tasks. Therefore, if you’re having a hard day, taking some D8 could get you in the ‘zone’ and keep you motivated all day.
You can buy Delta-8 THC at an online smoke shop. Unlike THC products that are not legal in all states, D8 is federally legal. But, still, check with your state to ensure that D8 is allowed in your area.
4. Lavender
Lavender, a flower with an attractive purple color and aroma, is famous for its calming and relaxing properties. In fact, its strong aroma is one reason why lavender has been used, from medieval times, in recipes and the production of soaps and perfumes. It has also been used extensively in modern medicine to help quell worries.
Scientific research reports that lavender may help reset your mind to achieve a sense of serenity and calmness. You can inhale, apply, diffuse, massage, or bathe with lavender-infused products to accomplish these therapeutic benefits.
5. Rhodiola
Rhodiola, the golden or the ‘arctic’ root, has long been used in parts of Europe as a natural tonic to promote endurance, strength, and physical and mental performance. It’s now quickly gaining popularity in America and is used to help in various wellbeing efforts.
Several studies confirming rhodiola’s potential medicinal properties also found that it improves physical performance by helping the body manage physical and mental stress more productively. You become more resilient to pressure from burnout, stressors, and fatigue. Rodhiola might just be what you need on that stressful day at work when you still must meet performance targets.
Rodhiola might prove to be more useful than current treatment options recommended for stress depending on the symptoms you’re experiencing. Rhodiola may help address some common underlying issues including burnout, fatigue, and other stressors, and that eliminates the source of the stress.
It’s Best To Destress Naturally
Many people have come to depend on pharmaceuticals to deal with stress and anxiety. But nature has some of the best and most potent herbal supplements that potentially produce enduring physical and mental relaxation that could help ward off stress and anxiety.
These natural antidepressants are also said to deliver more benefits, like improving energy levels, enhancing focus, unlocking creativity, and may even lessen pain and inflammation. The prospective comprehensive benefits of these natural solutions make them worth trying out, but be careful to stick to the recommended proportions.